Funded Today Reviews

Are you considering working with Funded Today?

Before you do anything else, make sure you read these Funded Today reviews to understand the risks and results.

Reviews of Funded Today
From Kickstarter & Indiegogo Creators

Funded Today Review by

Jared Morse

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“These guys are awesome!! We launched a Kickstarter campaign in March of 2017. They helped us raise over $107,000 and we ended up 2145% funded. They under promised and over delivered, and adapted to our project throughout the campaign. They gave me great suggestions on what I could do to improve the campaign and maximize pledges. I would highly recommend them for your crowdfunding project!”

Funded Today Review by

Mason Hung

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“3000+ backers pledged $1.37 Million to Cubiio, my first campaign. We could not have achieved it without the help from FUNDED TODAY. They are nice, energetic, aggressive, professional, hard workers. I will hire FUNDED TODAY to promote my next campaign again. It is reasonable to choose a good marketing partner if you aim to Million.”

Funded Today Review by

Hans Dose

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“After I launched Tenikle, I ended up going with Funded Today. It felt like throwing $3k on black with the upfront cost, but I’m really glad I did because the payoff was worth it. You get what you pay for. When talking return on investment, $3k brought me in almost $80k (so far) minus what they take in the end. I think this model works great because they’re incentivized to do as best as possible. I’m a lone-wolf creator and don’t have a team to help me with running ads, so getting someone on board was important to me. If you know what you’re doing, then do it yourself. If your project is good, it will be easily marketed and you’ll do great with them. If it’s not in your budget and your project is iffy, work on getting it dialed before working with any outside marketer. My 2 cents. Hope it helps.”

Funded Today Review by

Hiral Sanghavi

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“We’ve had a great experience working with Funded Today. Funded Today is the best crowdfunding marketing agency out there. The best… Period. Funded Today reached out to us in August 2015, when we were in the middle of our Kickstarter campaign. We were already at $4 million then and our campaign was slowing down and was at the verge of dying. Our Kickstarter campaign had gone viral initially which led us to raise $3 million in the first 3 weeks and then it got saturated and started to slow down. To cross the $4 million mark it took us to another 2 weeks. Then, we got Funded Today onboard in the 6th week and they reached out to a completely different audience and got another huge wave of traffic our way which helps us add another $4.5 million to our total in the last 3 weeks and our campaign closed at $9.19mn. Our total campaign duration was 8 weeks. Funded Today has got access to thousands of crowdfunding campaigns and they’ve built a community of early adopters out of it. They were able to get our campaign in front of the right audience who are mavens, early adopters of technology and innovative products. We couldn’t have done that using only facebook ads.”

Funded Today Review by

Amanda Wilson

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“Crowdfunding is complex and there is a lot of behind the scenes analytical data that is needed in order to run a successful campaign. Out of the gates you’ll have your friend, family and percentage of your email list that will back your project, but once the traffic starts to die off, this is where you’ll realize that you not only need access to that important analytical data but need to know the fastest and most effective way to implement it. When you’re a Creator—there just isn’t time to figure all of that out—not even for our team of 7. Funded Today has the expertise to prevent you from making some bad decisions that could cost you your entire campaign, and the returns they are able to bring in are successful because they are rooted in analytical data. Numbers always tell an honest story, and they help you see where to pivot. With a short campaign, if you you do need to pivot, you need to do it quickly, and having their counsel on this has been amazing. I brought Funded Today on mid-campaign, and I regret that I did not bring them on pre-campaign as their services have not only proven to bring in a high ROI, but the professionalism, guidance, coaching, insider tips and support they provide is AMAZING! Do not wait until you are mid-campaign when your traffic starts dying off from friend and family to hire them, as it will cost you momentum and that early success that you need to keep getting direct traffic on Kickstarter itself. Also, I never felt like they were selling me on anything. I always felt like they were providing me with the education I needed to make logical business decisions based on numbers and data. They know their stuff and I could not imagine this journey without their support.”

Funded Today Review by

John Van Den Nieuwenhuizen

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“In the end there are two heavy weights that are the go to guys. They are FundedToday and Jellop. Both of these companies aren’t cheap but they do get results. . . . We found both of these companies very good at what they do. We found overall FundedToday delivered more results.”

Funded Today Review by

Jaclyn Gruber

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“You guys are doing an absolutely phenomenal job. We are totally floored that we have almost broken the 6 figure mark! Friday was PHENOMENAL. Congrats!”

Funded Today Review by

Patrick Eckstein

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“Really cool experience working with Funded Today. They were really responsive and on time. The whole campaign experience was really good and something we will definitely be doing again.”

Funded Today Review by

Sean Murray

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“To the entire Funded Today Team: THANK YOU!!! Funded Today was great and we really appreciate them being so flexible with the deal structure. We know it’s not something they typically do. We’re very happy with the results and will be creating the testimonial video soon.”

Funded Today Review by

Afshan Abbas

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“We reached out to Funded Today who after 5 days of marketing ended up holding the reigns of our marketing. Funded Today helped us double our pledges. Leaving us 600% funded and we raised $62,000 in total. Funded Today really knows what they are doing and I highly recommend them.”

Funded Today Review by

Chloe Li

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“We wanted this product to reach much more wider audiences. Later on we heard about Funded Today. After some research we found lots of successful campaigns that Funded Today has done before and most of them are top raised Kickstarter campaigns. We decided to give them a try and they actually did an amazing job on the campaign. Thank you Funded Today you guys are awesome!”

Funded Today Review by

Rambod Radmard

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“Don’t waste your marketing budget with anybody else; Funded Today is the best at what they do. They helped me raise over $278,000 on Kickstarter and Indiegogo (goal was $6,000). They have crowdfunding down to a science. But the one thing that stands out for me the most is that Funded Today a team of genuinely good people. They’re honest, and they’re on your side, which is rare these days. I highly recommend them!”

Funded Today Review by

Joseph Dong

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“We couldn’t have raised the amount of funds we did without Funded Today. We had tried other Kickstarter boosters and Funded Today had the best results that actually had a positive ROI.”

Funded Today Review by

Natthakan Nunthapothiruk

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“We launch our first project and have little experience in crowdfunding. We tried different marketing methods but results are underwhelming. Funded Today contacted us and we decided to give them a try. Jordan, our contact person, maintain great contact. Their whole team is hard working, our questions and suggestions were answered even when late in the night. As for results, the project is doing much better than on our own. Plus we were now able to to focus on product development.”

Funded Today Review by

Enya Hu

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“Funded Today fully managed my campaign. Funded Today helped us on our last campaign as well. On our first campaign, we raised $880,000. The result was amazing! We weren’t as big with our second company, Eques. So, we hired Funded Today. With Funded Today’s help, I felt so relaxed. There were no more sleepless nights, no more overworking hours. Funded Today is the #1 agency I would recommend for a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter or IndieGoGo.”

Funded Today Review by

Garrett Gustafson

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“We brought on Funded Today for the last 2 weeks and we went from $10,000 in the first 3 weeks to $40,000 in the last 2 weeks—we went from on pace of being $15,000 to reaching $50,000. Results-based—that’s what it comes down to—and Funded Today got that for us. Again, it’s all about getting eyeballs onto your campaign, and we did a lot of work to try to do that, and Funded Today was phenomenal—working with their team, great communication (getting back to us all hours of the day, weekends, things like that)—they were great!”

Funded Today Review by

Jeff Durham

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“Funded Today is world class. We’ve launched a number of campaigns with them generating 100’s of thousands in sales. The key is having a solid product that resonates in the social spheres. It’s got to be innovative (wow factor). They’ll test for viability and know if they can take it on successfully. If you are a good fit, I guarantee they’ll take you SO MUCH further than you would ever do on your own! The stats don’t lie—over $100M raised across all clients. Why settle for others that have done much less?”

Funded Today Review by

Matthew Ramos

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“Funded Today did a really great job at helping us put together a really good paid advertising campaign and lots of other cross promotions with other campaigns. Thanks a lot Funded Today we appreciate you working with us.”

Funded Today Review by

Anthony Lucas-Smith

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“Our product maik wall frames is about to launch on Kickstarter March 26th 2018. We are working with Funded Today to help with the PR of our kickstarter campaign and they are just fantastic. Because this is our first campaign we have had so many questions that needed answering and Funded Today has been there for us every time we needed help. I’m not sure how we could have been ready for the launch without them. Our client specialist Jordan David has the experience needed to guide us through the set up process and have saved us so much time and energy in explaining what we need to do at each stage. When I read about what advice I could give other Kickstarter creators I felt I should give my experience because there may well be PR companies that offer much more than they actually are able to deliver. Check out what the PR company have actually done for other campaigns and the proof is in the pudding. I chose Funded Today because they have raised over $175,000,00 for creators around the world, I doubt a dodgy company could achieve that and keep doing it day in day out. They have helped with email generation in the pre-launch and have been brilliant at communicating exactly what they will do for us from our launch date. So choose carefully when looking around but we are very happy with our choice. The maik wall frames team.”

Funded Today Review by

Sidharthshankar Pati

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“FT handled everything professionally.”

Funded Today Review by

James Corwin

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“I reached out to Funded Today for help with my campaign and Jordan David has been awesome in redesigning my campaign. He provided great insights into how to improve my Kickstarter campaign page for better conversions. Very friendly and helpful and the changes are making a great difference. This was all before hiring FT for their services! I highly recommend getting in touch with FT if you are struggling with getting pledges on your campaign.”

Funded Today Review by

Joe Noel

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“My sister and I have been investors in small companies for a long time. We recently were defrauded out of a lot of money, so she was gun shy working with Funded Today. Easy now as Funded Today have done everything they have said and more. She is pretty pleased I made her sign the contract”

Funded Today Review by

Daniel Douek

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“We brought Funded Today on about 10 before the end. We really liked that they made contact immediately and got all of our materials. They used those marketing materials for their own campaign. Their communication was open and honest and they were reached easily. They raised a little under $35,000 in roughly 9 days, which spiked the end of our campaign and spiked our campaign and influenced the algorithms on Kickstarter. They really helped our campaign. Funded Today charged a percentage of the profits and while daunting at first, it’s definitely worth out and turned out to be our best decision towards the end of our Kickstarter campaign. The results Funded Today achieved could not be done by anyone else.”

Funded Today Review by

Ross Oltorik

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“I was contemplating whether I wanted to partner with Funded Today from Day 45 down to Day 18 and I finally made the best decision of my life, and I wish I would have brought them on the minute I heard about them and they reached out to me because they showed me how to have a good, successful Kickstarter campaign and I cannot thank them enough! We ended up raising $561,000 but we also now have over 3,000 customers and over 1,500 new members to our website and we’re now able to upsell those customers with add-ons, that led to another $25,000. We have happy customers because Funded Today got us great new backers as well. They handled all of our cross promotions. You don’t have to handle paying for ads, you don’t have to handle very much PR and Funded Today teaches you that PR is huge, but, that comes with time and you don’t need to be spending too much time with PR when you have a new company. Funded Today will drastically change your campaign because they know what they are doing because they do this every single day. They are also IndieGoGo’s #1 Partner so they can help you out on IndieGoGo-InDemand as well. I want to thank Funded Today. They are great people, they are ethical and value-based and they truly enjoy changing project creators life because they really want us to succeed. Don’t even think about it if you’re considering hiring Funded Today, just do it. If you were to do this on your own, you’re going to have to spend $20,000, maybe even $100,000, just in ads, to reach the goals of what they can do, and they cover all of that ad spend for you, upfront, before you pay them from the funds received from Kickstarter. I’m pumped! My life is changed because of Funded Today. It was incredible. One of our video guys, we’re able to pay him more. We’re hiring ad men now. We have a company now and it’s all because of Funded Today!”

Funded Today Review by

Patrick Tatham

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“There are only a handful of really significant digital marketing organizations that can help you with crowdfunding. Jordan, of Funded Today, reached out to me quite early on in our campaign. Our campaign was quite small at the time, having only raised $50,000. And, I wasn’t expecting Funded Today to reach out to me, I was expecting it to be the other way around. There’s a lot of great things I could say about Jordan. He’s organized, he’s a great team leader, he’s empathetic, and he’s a very thoughtful person. After the terrorist attack that happened in London, within an hour, he checked to see if I was okay and if my family was well. This was a very endearing touch. The results we had with Funded Today have been really amazing. Before Funded Today, we were going to do $115,000 GBP. I would highly recommend Funded Today to other crowdfunders. I think they are the best in the class. Their work can be enormously impactful. It’s important to not simply rely on Funded Today though. You have to step up to the plate as a project creator and work at their pace… and Funded Today’s pace can be quite quick.”

Funded Today Review by

Quentin Perraudeau

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“We had a pleasant experience with Funded Today. The benefits of working with them were amazing, and we are very glad to have taken this decision. First of all, they were very good and quick in reaching the right audience for Percko, which was crucial for the successful of the marketing campaign. The first impression of the percentage they take it’s probably not the best, but after all it’s worth due to the incredible amount of new backers they bring you. Our page had visitors all the time from locations we could not have reached alone. Funded Today was able to raise incredible 50.000 euros for us in 18 days! Also, when making the agreements Curtis was very flexible and attentious with us, simplifying things and turning into a deal where both parties would benefit. Funded Today have a very good experience with crowdfunding campaigns and a large portfolio of very successful campaigns.”

Submit a Review of Funded Today

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*Before Funded Today reviews are placed on this webpage, they are audited & reviewed to verify that the creator actually worked with Funded Today and that what the creator submits is factual. If you submit a review, you may be asked for additional information to substantiate your review of Funded Today.